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Boost Your Income While Promoting Feline Happiness

Enjoy the flexibility of earning commissions at your own pace, with no limits on how much you can earn, all while supporting a mission to make cats happier.

Are you passionate about improving the lives and happiness of our cats?

Do you have a network of followers or customers who are cat guardians and (might) need help with their cat's behaviour?

Do you strive to make a meaningful impact on cat welfare while helping cat guardians foster happier relationships with their cats?

If so, we invite you to join our affiliate programme and become a key player in our mission to enhance cat behaviour and well-being.

By becoming an active affiliate, you gain access to our comprehensive online courses, allowing you to speak from personal experience when promoting our programme. This not only enriches your knowledge of feline behaviour but also provides you with valuable insights to share with your audience.

Whether you decide to donate your commissions to local charities, spoil your own cats, or reinvest in your cat-related business, your participation helps create a community dedicated to the happiness of cats all around the world.

Contribute to Cat Welfare

Make a meaningful impact on the lives of cats by promoting a programme dedicated to their well-being and happiness.

Earn 40% commission on sales

Benefit from commissions on both one-time payments and recurring subscription fees

Personal Growth and Knowledge

Enhance your own understanding of cat behaviour with access to our affiliate cat behaviour course.

Track Your Success Easily

Use our affiliate dashboard to monitor your performance, track your commissions, and gain insights into your promotional efforts.

Reasons to actively join our affiliate programme

Align with Your Passion for Cats

As a cat lover, joining the affiliate programme allows you to merge your passion for feline welfare with a rewarding professional opportunity.

Make a Positive Impact

By promoting a programme focused on improving cat behaviour and welfare, you directly contribute to creating happier, healthier lives for cats and their guardians.

Enhance Your Professional Reputation

Associating with a reputable, science-based programme elevates your credibility and positions you as a trusted ambassador of feline happiness.

Earn While Advocating for Cats

Enjoy the financial benefits of earning commissions while supporting a cause that is close to your heart—enhancing cat welfare and happiness.

Access Exclusive Resources

Benefit from beautiful marketing materials and support that make it easier to effectively promote the programme and achieve success as an affiliate.

Support a Credible Programme

Feel confident in promoting a programme that is grounded in the latest behavioural science, offering effective, evidence-based strategies for cat welfare.

Contribute to Reducing Shelter Surrenders

Help decrease the number of cats surrendered to shelters due to behavioural issues by providing guardians with the tools they need to resolve these problems.

Feel Good About Your Effort

Experience the satisfaction of knowing that your efforts are making a tangible difference in the lives of cats and their families, promoting a happier feline population.

Who can join our Affiliate Programme?

Anyone with a network of cat guardians, cat lovers and/or cat professionals can benefit from joining our Affiliate Programme.

Practical information about becoming an affiliate

1. Signing Up

Interested individuals, businesses or organisaties can apply to join the affiliate programme through the registration form. Simply fill out the registration form with your details and submit it for review.

Who can apply?

Anyone can apply to participate and receive commissions. You are responsible for declaring that income in your accounts, whether as a business, a non-profit organisation, or as a private individual. Please check with your accountant first.


Our team will review your application to ensure alignment with our mission and goals. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions.

2. Receiving Affiliate Resources
Affiliate Dashboard

Upon approval, you will gain access to our affiliate dashboard. This is your central hub for tracking your performance, commissions, and accessing marketing materials.

Access to our courses 

As an approved affiliate, you will get access to our online courses so you can talk about your own experience with the programme, promote the courses, gain insights into cat behaviour yourself, and make cats happier!

Attention: Access to our courses is only for active affiliates. If we notice that an affiliate account is dormant, access to our courses will be revoked.

Marketing Materials

We provide a range of marketing materials to help you promote our Happy Cats online courses effectively.

3. Promoting our Happy Cats courses
Share Your Affiliate Link

Use your unique affiliate link that you find in your dashboard to promote our online courses on your website, blog, social media platforms, newsletters, or even directly to clients.

Content Creation

Create and share engaging content that highlights the benefits of Happy Cats, such as blog posts, videos, social media posts/stories/reels, YouTube videos, whatever formats your prefer and where your talents lay!

4. Attracting and Converting Customers
Educational Content

Provide valuable content to your audience that explains the importance of addressing cat behaviour and behavioural issues and how Happy Cats can help.

Personal Endorsement

Share your personal experiences and success stories with the programme to build trust and encourage sign-ups through your affiliate link.

Only for Those Who Need It!

Still have doubts? You only need to promote our online programmes to cat lovers who you know would benefit from them! So you can only help them.

5. Tracking Your Performance
Real-Time Analytics

Monitor your performance through the affiliate dashboard, where you can see clicks, conversions, and commissions in real-time.

Adjust Strategies

Use the data and insights from the dashboard to refine your promotional strategies and maximise your earnings.

6. Earning and Receiving Commissions
PayPal Account

In order to receive your commissions, you will need to connect a PayPal account to your dashboard to receive automatic payments.

Commission Structure

You earn 40% commissions for every new customer who subscribes to our online courses through your affiliate link. Cookies are valid for the first click and stay active for 60 days. Commissions are applicable for one time sales as well as recurring payments through subscriptions.

Payment Schedule

Commissions are paid out automatically through Paypal, monthly on the 28th, ensuring timely and reliable income for your promotional efforts.

Affiliate Dashboard

In your affiliate dashboard, you can find your earned commissions, payment records and transaction details. Here you can keep track of your earnings and find any additional documentation required by your accountant for tax or financial purposes.

Ready to make a change for Happy Cats?

This is your opportunity to register and start making a real difference in the lives of cats and their guardians. By joining our affiliate programme, you can help cat guardians improve the well-being and happiness of their cats while also earning money. Whether you choose to donate your commissions to a local charity, pamper your own cats, or invest in your own cat-related business, the benefits are substantial and impactful.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an affiliate programme?
An affiliate programme is a partnership where you earn commissions by promoting a company's products or services. You share a unique affiliate link with your audience, and you earn a commission for every sale made through your link.

2. How do I sign up for the affiliate programme?
To sign up, visit our affiliate programme page and fill out the application form. Once your application is reviewed and approved, you'll receive a confirmation email with further instructions.

3.  Is there a cost to join the affiliate programme?
No, joining our affiliate programme is completely free. There are no hidden fees or costs involved.

4. How do I earn commissions?
You earn commissions by promoting our products through your unique affiliate link. Whenever someone makes a purchase using your link, you receive a commission on that sale.

5. How much commission can I earn?
Our affiliate programme offers a competitive commission rate of 40% on all sales, including both one-time payments and recurring subscription fees.

6. How and when do I get paid?
Commissions are paid out on a monthly basis, on the 28th in bulk through PayPal. You can track your earnings and payment status through your affiliate dashboard.

7.  Do I need to have a website or blog to join?
While having a website or blog can help you reach a wider audience, it is not a requirement. You can also promote our products through social media, email newsletters, and other channels.

8. What kind of support will I receive as an affiliate?
As an affiliate, you'll have access to our affiliate support team, who can assist you with any questions or issues. You'll also receive marketing materials and resources to help you promote our products effectively.

9. Can I promote the products on multiple platforms?
Yes, you can promote our products on various platforms, including your website, blog, social media accounts, email newsletters, and more. The more platforms you use, the greater your potential reach.

10.  How do I track my performance and earnings?
You'll have access to an affiliate dashboard where you can monitor clicks, conversions, and commissions in real-time. This dashboard will help you track your performance and earnings.

11. Are there any restrictions on how I can promote the products?
We encourage creative promotion, but there are some restrictions. For example, you should avoid using spammy tactics or false advertising. Detailed guidelines will be provided upon approval to ensure compliance with our terms and conditions.

12.  What happens if I have questions or need help?
Our dedicated affiliate support team is here to help you succeed. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact us through the affiliate dashboard or email us at

13.  How can I maximize my earnings as an affiliate?
To maximize your earnings, focus on creating engaging, valuable content that
resonates with your audience. Share personal experiences, use the provided
marketing materials, and promote consistently across multiple platforms.

14.  What is the minimum payout threshold?
There is no minimum threshold. There is however one payment date per month where all commissions are payed in bulk to your PayPal account. This ensures efficient processing of payments.

15. Can I join the programme from any country in the world?
Yes, our affiliate programme is open to individuals worldwide. As long as you can receive payments via PayPal, you can join and promote our cat behaviour courses.

16. I have another questions, what do I do ?
Please email us at and we will get back to you asap !

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